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Thursday, February 5, 2009

path of socialism

Our step off into the path of socialism brought on by both parties is being pursued. A direction of gratification for all, but a failed experience by all those that have chosen that in the past. Democracy and Capitalism is the striving of people to do better, rise to their potential. Help those that need a hand. Socialism limits those that can help and makes thieves of the more powerful. While capitalism has thieves, it is policed from many directions. Socialism is policed by the selected few for selfish gain from within. It is called spread the wealth after socialist leaders have skimmed the cream off. It only builds two categories in life. The prominent and the ordinary. The prominent being an elite club who think they have all the answers. Propaganda is taking us to a road with no turn around. Those you see that push this end to socialism are the ones to fear. The ones who will attack this message.


Mrsupole said...

Hey Doc,

Just stopping by to say Hi, and leaving a comment. I am slowly getting better. Just been reading a lot of sites and so many are all pro Obama and I just had to find one that was not. Anyway I added your site to my blog site and so now do not have to "look" for yours. Loved the article about socialism.

Take care,
aka Mrsupole

Mrsupole said... visit my site you can just click on my name and it should take you there...and please let me know if you have visited...bye.